Cincy Errands History

18+ Years of delivery

Millions of miles … Countless satisfied customers

2000: Cincy Errands founded

Founded in 2000 by Cincinnati entrepreneur Joseph Skalski, Cincy Errands began as a concierge service. The company was stable, but its mission had yet to solidify.

2001: Restructured

Recognizing the growing need for reliable Cincinnati courier service and same day delivery service, the company broadened its scope. Soon, courier and same day delivery became our solitary focus.

2004: Brother, Partner

Pursuing the courier and same day delivery market was a smart choice. New customers were arriving faster than anticipated. Joe’s brother Frank Skalski joined the team, and his logistics skills proved invaluable.

2005: Expanding into light truck delivery

With the addition of its first box truck, Cincy Errands began a successful foray into light trucking. New customers embraced the new services.

2010: Cautious optimism

As the economy inched its way out of recession, Cincy Errands chose to strengthen customer relationships and optimize its methods. This established the need for new equipment.

2012: Growing with customer base

Business was picking up — so much so that Cincy Errands needed a larger box truck, and picked up a new F750 with a 3,000-pound liftgate.

2013: Continued growth

New business continued to increase, so Cincy Errands invested in new equipment that would support sustainable growth. Three new vehicles and a cargo trailer came online.

Today: Commitment to customer service

As Cincy Errands continues to grow, meeting customers’ needs remains our main focus. We are continuing to add reputable drivers to our ever growing team.